





产品描述Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V
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Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V


STM8AF6166 STM8AF6126 STM8AF6146 STM8AF6148 STM8AF6168 STM8AF6226 STM8AF6246 STM8AF6248 STM8AF6266 STM8AF6268
描述 Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V




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